domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013


The changes in body function that occur with aging are not random and do not develop suddenly or without warning. Is essential for nurses to learn that each aging person, just like each younger person, is unique

The intergumentary system
This system includes the skin, hair and nails, those changes most obvios probably.
With aging the epidermis becomes more fragile, increasing the risk for skin damage such as tears, maceration and infection.
Cares: prevent dehydration, modify skin care to reduce drying, adjust room temperature 

The musculoskeletal system 
The bones provide a rigid structure. The red bone marrow in the cavities of spongy produces red blood cells, platelets. 
In this system the common disorders seen with aging are the osteoporosis and the osteoarthritis

The respiratory system
Provides the body with the oxygen needed for life. Without oxygen, cells quickly die. The brain cells are the most sensitive cells. The common disorders seen with aging are influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis or lung cancer.
Cares: positions to facilitate ease of respiration, encourage smoking cessation.

The cardiovascular system
This system is responsible for the transportation of blood with oxygen and nutrients to all body tissue. The common disorders seen with aging are coronary artery or valve disease, hypertensive disease, aneurysm.
Cares: observe closely for abnormal sound, instruct patients to rest if short of breath or fatigued

The gastrointestinal system
Over time change in GI track can interfere with normal digestion, in the oral cavity gingival tissue may recede and the periodontal bones that hold the teeth in place may be loosen. Dental caries can soften the enamel and expose nerves in the tooth put. Esophageal dilation and problems rated to swallowing may be conserved with against.

The urinary system
The system supports homeostasis by eliminating wastes and excessive fluid from the body. The number of nefrona decreases. Decreased blood floe result in al altered glomerular filtration rate
Cares: obtain urine for analysis, palpate bladder after voiding

The nervous system
Many cellular changes have been observed in the aging brain including a reduction un its size and weight.
Cares: educate regarding safety precautions and use of assisitive devices.

Changes in intellectual capacity
From 30 years old onwards, a decline in intellectual capacity begins which accelerates with old age.  The capacity to resolve problems becomes slower. Creativity and imaginative capacity survive.

Character and personality
Personality does nor usually change unless there are pathological alterations.
The ability to adapt usually becomes harder due to the fear of unknown situations.

Change of role and personality
The change of an individual’s role can be looked at from three different dimensions:

-          The old person as an individual
-          The old person as a member of the family
-          The old person as a person capable of facing up to his losses

In my opinion is very important know the different disorder in everyone system because that take us know how actuate in the different cases.
I think that the most important system are the respiratory and the cardiovascular so I belive it coud be importat begin the valuations by those.

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