martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary loss and objective at a time and unsuitable place and toilet is a problem, social and psychic

There are several types of incontinence, form my point of view the most important and interesting in elderly are:
-          IU acute, transient or reversible is of sudden onset and is associated with acute conditions
o       It may be for urinary tract infections or alterations in motility, this type of incontinence is solved when these disorders are referred.

-          IU chronic:
o       IU of effort or stress is produced with Valsalva manoeuvre (coughing, sneezing, and laughing). It is the most common in women.

In this case of incontinence will be advisable to make kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles.

o       IU urgency: irreversible urge to urinate. It is the most common in the elderly. Can be of different types:
-          IU detrusor unsteadiness
-          IU sensitive instability of detrusor

-          Residue <100 ml. à Kegel exercises.
o       Two or three daily sessions of about 20 to 25 repetitions (rounds 3-4 were held in each session)

-          Residue >100 ml
o       There will be a probing or reconstructive surgery
o       If incontinence is acontractile, we use behaviour modification techniques (probes or diapers)

I believe that nurses have an important role in the education of the patient who suffers from incontinence. We must teach the exercises to be performed and explain the correct way. Also we have the family because in the event that the patient was independent family should know what to do and as is the case for example of diapers and toilet of the patient.

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