martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


The falls are a common phenomenon among the elderly, they are a major cause of injury, disability or even death.
The elderly generally have more problems with balance, this is manifested by the march senile
- Rigid stance and flexion
- Short and slow steps
- Rotating block
- Imbalance
- Wide base stall
- Less oscillation of the arms

In my opinion is important, that when a falls, in addition to the physical, psychological may also appear (post fall syndrome) and even social by isolation or dependence

The alarm indicators that indicate risk of falls are:
- Ocular
- Hearing impairment
- Nervous system disorders
- Emotional disorders
- Depression
- Denial of physical limitations

I think that one of the most important can be the ocular, because vision problems are important for the functions of daily life, and sometimes the elderly do not give importance to their vision loss. Also are very important hearing problems because notified of what may be going around so we will have to be revised in order to detect problems.

Some of the most common triggers from my point of view are:
- Age over 75 years
- Patients with 4 or more medications
- Previous falls
- Muscle devilidad

There are 3 types of prevention that we perform nursing
- Primary prevention: is to improve the circumstances of patients to prevent falls
          - Maintain functional capacity and exercise programs
          - Safety at home
* Risk Score Dowton
What nursing should consider is, avoid dangerous floors, good lighting, safety clamps elderly

            - Secondary prevention: will be held once produced the fall
      - We ask questions about how and where he was and what he was doing at the time
      - Assess the state of the elderly and possible injury

           - Third prevention: the finaliadd is to reduce the consequences of caira
      - Teach the elderly to rise
      - Restore stability
      - Retrain gait
Care Plan
- pain
- Impaired physical mobility

I believe that the three caveats are important, and we put the same interest in all. It is so important to get a security atmosphere in the elderly, in their daily lives as teaching the old man to get up when they suffer a fall.

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